Hello and Good Bye 2020.
You’ve been a year no doubt. In many ways pulling the rug out from under people.
Something is better than nothing.
I have been on medium for four years now. Four years of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. I’ve looked back at some of my writing and most of it I forgot about. The times I tried to rhyme with poetry. Or the attempts at being motivational when I wasn’t that motivational myself. Others may call you a phony, but you have to believe to achieve. You got to be your own best hype man.
The other reason I started this blog was my start into the fitness industry and the story there.
Now that I am on my ass. Lost the job I had. I feel now would be a good time to reflect and correct or criticize my progression.
I started at a big box gym, which was interesting in the fact that people were okay with absorbent prices because that the way corporate worked and wanted. I was a nervous kid not affable but lacking in closing skills. My first client, which I sold on the first night of the job was pair of sisters. Dianna and Genie. Elderly clients that primarily focused on cardio equipment. We trained together for a month and that was that. Dianna was the one who told me about visiting Iceland. While at this big box gym I was introduced to group training in terms of an additional monthly charge to your membership. It was something called the 10th degree. Which was a 30 minute workout, divided up into 9 stations, 3 minutes at each station. It was interesting, but a lot of running around. So with that and a couple of clients here and there I wasn’t making a lot of money, but my gym membership was paid for. I was happy had a big social network, people knew me. It was fun, but I wasn’t the self starter to go and charge those prices.
I felt orange theory would be a better more appropriate usage of my time and my outgoing personality. I made it through their corporate training which was a week long and pretty physically demanding. I ran one class in the morning and then was told by the gym owner my services would not be needed. Thanks I left my other job….
I then got into a smaller location that offered boot camp fitness classes. The classes reach maximum capacity at 15 people, but was chaotic. It was fun, and I developed my style even more so.
I came to the realization that the only wrong way to move is by not moving. Movement is medicine and utilize your range of motion to the best of your ability. Also use what you can with what you have.
People over complicate things and lose the fundamentals. One of the things I learned from crossfit is the idea of virtuosity, which mean the common done in an uncommonly good way.
Just like chikfila and their over delivery on customer service and dining experience. Also the desire to be an operator. 100,000 people apple to be chikfila operators for less than a one percent acceptance rate. They attract that many people to apply because the barriers to entry are so low. But with the barriers to entry so low they can be excruciatingly selective. Thus resulting in the highest quality operators which yield the high customer satisfaction.
So to those of you who are thinking of becoming a human movement specialist, my advice to you would be smile, be great at connecting with people, over deliver on promises, do the prep work, but be flexible, and don’t be afraid to ask for the sale.
Will you make a million dollars?
Well cause you didn’t specify when.
So yes you can make a millions dollars but it might take longer than expected.
Unless you can simplify and spread your message across multiple venues and have that call to action buy button.
The future is now so don’t be afraid to make tomorrow greater.
Hello and Goodbye 2020.
2021, will be a great year.
Count your blessings and keep pushing forward.
Still be the phony, but fake it till you make it, cause when you do it will feel like you were there the whole time.
Stay strong,
Stay tuned.
For Action Transformation Systems.
Get paid to be a better you!
Thank you ❤