Lazy Bones. Part 1 Take 1.
The police broadcast system had blown it’s repeater with the warning “Reach minimum safe distance now.” Before Stephen had roused from his bed.
Much like most of his life he was late to a lot of things. The apocalypse from an unexpected solar flare was to be no different. When the first ones to bunker down were considered the kooks and crazies, everyone laughed. Then the government started to reveal the severity of the situation the mass evacuations happened. Stephen didn’t listen, much rather he ignored the warning signs till now.
“LA SHELTER FULL.” flashed on the sheriffs illuminated sign.
“Well, today is totally not a vibe.” Stephen admitted.
The world was abnormally quiet around him. Which was unusual because he slept on the city streets, tucked under a stairwell. Moments of tranquility never happened with a million different strangers crisscrossing their lives.
Stephen rubbed his eyes, and climbed out of his nook. The streets were echo less and empty. A gust of wind blew the trash people left behind.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” He asked.
Normally he would avoid human conversation. Too much effort. Now with no one around he wanted to know if he was still alive. The coos of pigeons broke the silence. It wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
“Oh shit! The evacuation! That is today!” Stephen grabbed his head in hands.
“I could have swore that was next month!” he whined.
“Shit Shit Shit Shit!” His curses exploded through his panicked fury of packing his belongings.
As he threw his stuff in random sacks with mixed importance, he came to the conclusion that he must organize them in order of utility. That task sounded to complicated so he took a short power nap to charge up mentally for it.
Three hours later.
A stream of drool hit the back of his hand and this caused Stephen to wake up. He blinked his eyes fast then it hit him.
“I need to get out of here!” He yelled.
This time he didn’t pack anything. This time he just got on his dilapidated bike and peddled down the vacant streets.
The sun was high, but it offered shade at different angles.
“Where am I going?” He asked himself.
Stephens memory flashed back, much more like drifted back to a vastly different world of two nights prior. In the haze between directionless gaze which was his life he reflected back to the tv screen right above the automatic checkout machine. It was muted and displaying different slides. One of them was a simple slide with the caption “Shelters: LA, OC, IE.”
“Bro, LA is super crowded. No wonder I didn’t fit in. I am not dressed for orange county. Inland Empire here I come!” Stephen re assured himself.
Before he could start his journey, he had to wait for a lizard to stop sunning which had climbed up on his bike seat.
“You are right lizard dude. It is a nice time to soak up some rays.” Stephen told the reptile.
Forty five minutes later he peddled onto the barren freeways. No cars were to be seen. Some of the freeway over passes were challenging, and he had to walk it. Yet, no matter how much the uphill took it toll on him the rolling down hill was always enjoyable to Stephen.
He sang songs to himself. Not really songs. The real description would be melodic lyrics on repeat. Since no one was around he sang to his lungs content. It was near sundown when crossed the county line. The world around him was being consumed by longer shadows. As day turned to night, the darkness grew, save for one flashing hazard sign.
“Are you kidding me!” He cursed his own laziness.
He rolled to a stop and then he let the bike fall. He too fell. He Laid starring up at the sky. The sky was never seen like this before. In between the gusts of the bright neon green blasts of aurora borealis, the stars shined brighter than ever.
“Wow!” He was mesmerized by the cosmic performance. When he awoke it was because of a shiver. The terrestrial urban world around him was pitch black. It was cold enough to see your breath, the starlight revealed this. Stephen shivered and followed the silhouettes and shadows of the street, till he found a massive shopping complex.
“Hmmm Jackpot.” He said between his teeth chattering.
He walked up to the store expecting to smash some glass. Much to his chagrin, the glass was already in pieces and pricked his toes through his sandals.
“Oh what the hell?” He yelled.
As his voice echoed through the silent city. Another faint sound bounced back to him. It was the triumphant screams of a woman. Stephen ran outside and looked for the source. Across the span of different shades of black, a swaggering array of torches were crossing away in the horizon.
“I may have been late to the party.” Stephen sulked.