Moetry Mondays- Happy Labor Day.

4 min readSep 5, 2022


I am going to try something new here. I will initially free throw some stanzas on the page then write my interpretations of the words selected in parenthesis.

Jest in the face of adversity.
Test your meddle against authenticity.
Best your mediocrity
Lest you forget your tenacity.

(Jokes are often best explained to the audience, ending with “do you get it” A bench mark of deep comedy is not connecting with your audience. What the first line of this stanza pertains to the fact that as worse as things get, you can still take a moment to laugh. As the thing of life will keep going regardless of your inputs. Line two is how to be true to the you, you are when no one else is around. Line three is about how we could fall into less than beneficial habits and routines. Which leads to the finishing line of tenacity can be explained as hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work. )

Vague and unspecific..
Lost love non terrific. .
Life can be horrific.
Give to defeat traumatic.

(This collections of words. Is an ode to the value of expression and communication. My projection of line one is how saying to little can lead to the removal of a wonderful aspect of intimacy. Line three correlates to life’s 100% fatality rate. People can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, sometimes by choice or by happenstance. The last line is about coming to peace with what has been experienced.)

Teach so you don’t forget.
Reach to your target.
Bad ideas to market.
Prophecies from the parapet.

(With the world at our finger tips the act of remembering and applying information can be dulled. A way to hone that skill is to share what you know. Reach to your target is not everyday can be good, but there is good in everyday. As long as you keep your focus on what you desire, you will get there. Line three is to dispel imposter syndrome, there probably is someone less qualified than you doing what you want. The last line is a summation of the lines before. That religion is a way to spread values from one generation to the next, while maintaining a goal on the eternal. Not all these ideas can be shared equally, but many do.)

Taken but not stirred.
Days non lack preferred.
Ignoring the words you heard.
Not wondering part of the herd.

(Taken but not stirred= I interpret this as the inevitability of change, which may agitate you, it is all about how you define it. Line two pertains to the abundant potential of life. Line three is about selective ignorance. Every day in some way the world around you can provide you with signs and symbols. It is the individual to decipher the messaging around you. Lastly there is comfort and solace in society.)

Thoughts and decisions passes.
Words with actions crashes.
All that remains is dust and ashes.

(This is a stanza about the process of creation that everything that ever was and will be has undergone a form of transformation from the conception, to utilization, to the finality of degradation.)

Intimidated by how to feel.
Distinguishing what is real.
Lies broken and reseal.

(Suffering is enlightenment. Suffering can reveal your limits. We know how to be true to thine self. Yet finding the strength and security to define our situation is often lacking. Instead we let our trusted influences lead or decisions.)

Taken for granted.
Ideas transplanted.
Rambles ranted.

(This is an appreciative prose about the fact that one day your voice, words, and thoughts will cease to be. There could be a small chance that those words could inspire someone else. More often than not these messages are just strings of discombobulated words.)

Today will never last.
Quickly turns to the past.
In the mighty vast.

(In the moments I have stolen from you, someone was born, someone died. Worlds were broken and promises spoken. Everyone is just doing their best, with the test that’s called life.)

There is no point.
Only liars to anoint.
Our selves we disappoint.

( A reoccurring theme of self doubt, and letting others do our thinking for us.)

The beauty lies in the challenge.
In which your actions rearrange.
The outcomes of the strange.

(We often don’t remember the destination, we remember the way we took to get there. In which you have to align your efforts to make some semblance of the desired outcomes.)

Multiplied things lack value.
Resilience is a virtue.
To thine own words be true.

(If it is easy to reproduce, it has many uses, but is often forgotten. Pounding your own drum, when the world calls you dumb, can be your greatest gift)

Let me know what you thought in the comments below.




Written by Rusty_Gunn

A writer of futurist stories. Self Improvement Disciple, Dreamtrapreneur, Rephraser of podcast knowledge:

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