My Birthday.
I spent my 29th birthday like it was any other day.
Followed the same routine as the day before it.
However the defining moments would be the words spoken that day.
I like to spend thirty hydrated minutes in the sauna. I think there are some health aspects to it I swear. However, the real reason I go in there is the social aspect of it.
Could be the uniting factor of shared suffering. It’s uncomfortable, so you force your mind to other places. This is where the conversations happen. One of those conversations was with a gym bro. I didn’t know his name until that morning. We would just exchange what up glances, and friendly nods. Cross fit was the initiating conversation topic. My gym bro would do his WOD at the big box gym where I was working on mirror bicep curls. Now that I am working at a cross fit gym I could engage with him more. The conversation shifted towards his family, his job, hobbies. His attitude was vibrant, motivated, and cheery. What he said next was something I wasn’t prepared for.
He told me that they found a lump, after doing surgery on his shoulder. My birthday would be the last day for him in the gym, before he started chemo.
Shit man that is heavy.
Matt is his name. He told me his favorite movie is Rocky, and the fight was on. He just wished his kids knew what Rocky was.
It was at this moment when a lady wearing head phones sitting to my left spoke up. She said that she was diagnosed with uterine cancer at age thirty. They told Iris, that she had terrible prognosis, but thankfully she got fit before the cancer hit. She made it through it, and wouldn’t let it get her down. She actually went to Coachella, took her daughters with.
Attitude is everything, she said. She was thankful for her family, especially her husband who undertook so much in her recovery.
The circumstances of that conversation had a certain element of fate to it. A man older than her about to undergo chemo and her a few years younger surviving to tell him it is possible. Kind wishes and positive vibes were exchanged by all. I made my exit, and hit the showers.
The symbolism of those conversations about mortality, on the day I came into this world should have left a bigger impact on me.
I hit a pretty good form squat of 290 lbs. Then went to run a group class. I like my job. There are certain levels of stress to it, but nothing feels better than a job well done.
I like naps. Since I was up at 0400 that morning, fasted and after a work out. I indulged in the soft caress of my bed. The stream of well wishers across social media, and text messages came flying in. I appreciated all of them. The sun was right over head when I wanted a taste of nostalgia. There are certain things that can trigger our brains into reflecting on old memories. Food can be one of those triggers. I was on a trip back to high school. Three bean rice and cheese burritos from a local restaurant chains that supplied the high school cafeterias. The only difference was back then I would shove sun chips into the goo of beans, cheese, and rice.
While driving to that establishment, I noticed I had a missed call. My old college room mate called me and wished me happy birthday. It was nice. We got to talking about how we are doing and old memories. It lasted a while and was concluded with the traditionally vague “we should hang out one of these days.”
My brother’s dog died recently. It was one of two that he still has. I think these dogs are little pests, that trash the place. My brother is of a different nature towards his companions. He was real shook up about it. I helped him dig a grave in the back yard. It is then I realized that the youngest have to deal with the most death. Now his other dog has developed some sort of bulbous skin irritation in random places across his body. It doesn’t look pretty and doesn’t seem to be getting better with vet prescribed at home treatment. The dog’s demeanor wouldn’t let you know though. The little canine is active and still act lovingly with excessive licking and toy playing.
The lab results from the vet come in tomorrow. Which will determine the course of action for my brother’s last furry friend. Shit gets tough man.
I hit my mark.
I haven’t done this in awhile.
Stay up.