NASM Chapter 6 Client Assessment

5 min readMay 4, 2016


Before we begin.

I want you

I want you to take three deep breathes.

Make the inhales and exhales 4–6 seconds.

Feel better now?

K Good.

Now time to figure out how to analyze CardioRespiratory Fitness

Due to equipment restraints we can not practically measure Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2 Max)

You need equipment like this

“I hope you know you look ridiculous!”

So a better more viable option is to measure the Sub Maximal Testing which can pretty accurately predict V02 Max.

There are two common Sub Maximal Test and they are:

  1. YMCA 3 Minute Step Test
  2. Rockport Walk Test.

The YMCA 3 Minute Step Test is a 5 process exam of a person’s cardiovascular fitness

Pretty cheesy video demonstrating the YMCA step test. SO CHECK IT OUT!

If you don’t wanna watch it. Here’s what the YMCA Step test is:

What you need

  1. 12 inch step
  2. Stop Watch
  3. Metronome. There are plenty of apps, or you could go old school and pick one up.
  4. Chair to measure Heart rate upon completion
  5. Motivation and water for your client.

Here is the Procedure:

  1. Set the metronome to 96 beats per minute. So every click is a step. Say Up, Up, Down, Down. This goes on for 3 minutes.
  2. Once completed the 3 minutes, have the client sit down. Measure pulse for a minute. This is known as Recovery Pulse.
  3. Locate the recovery pulse number in the following:

4. Determine the appropriate starting program using these categories

  • Very Poor/ Poor: Zone One (65–75% Heart Rate Max)
  • Below Average: Zone One (65–75% Heart Rate Max)
  • Average: Zone Two (76–85% Heart Rate Max)
  • Good: Zone Two (76–85% Heart Rate Max)
  • Excellent: Zone Three (86–95% Heart Rate Max)

5. Determine the client’s maximum heart rate by Subtracting the clients Age from the number 220 then multiple by the following figures

  • Zone 1 Maximal Heart Rate x (65–75%)
  • Zone 2 Maximal Heart Rate x (76–85%)
  • Zone 3 Maximal Heart Rate x (86–95%)

The Rockport Walk Test

Design to estimate the Cardiovascular starting point

The wizard he is talking about is referring to the following formula

132.853- (0.0769 x weight) — ( 0.3877x Age) + (6.315 x Gender) — (3.2649 x Time) -( 0.1565 x heart rate)= VO2 score.

To fill in the different variables use this:

  • Weight is in pounds (LBS)
  • Gender: Male is 1, Female is 0
  • Time is expressed in minutes
  • Heart Rate is in Beats per Minute
  • Age is in Years

It does look like a lot of math. But this is probably the proper test for someone who has problems with steps.

Then like the YMCA test figure out the recovery pulse, determine the appropriate starting program (Just like the YMCA, using the different zones), and find the Maximum heart rate.

The next thing to assess is Posture.

Posture is important because it produces optimum movement if it is proper.

Because it allows proper length tension relationships of the muscles.

So next time you can think about your posture, stand up straight. Because if you don’t you could Suffer ankle sprains, tendonitis and lower back pain.

When a person stands in front of you they are demonstrating Static Posture.

Static Posture is the base of how a person moves.

So there are three Common Distortion Patterns

  1. Pronation Distortion Syndrome- The ankles curve inward because of flat feet, which causes the knees to adduct and internally rotate.
  2. Lower Crossed Syndrome: An arched lower back aka anterior tilt to the pelvis
  3. Upper Crossed Syndrome: the head lurches forward and the shoulders are also rounded forward.
Pronation Distortion Syndrome

So stop slouching, raise your head and bring those shoulders back. Also don’t stick your but out. It is a lot of work but your body will thank you.

This is what good posture is supposed to look like

Straight Spine, Gives peace of mind.

So There you have it. I know its daunting.

Now let’s talk about posture in action AKA Dynamic Posture.

So to observe Dynamic Posture you can do

  1. Overhead Squat Assessment.
  2. Single Leg Squat Assessment
  3. Pushing Assessment- Done on a cable machine
  4. Pulling Assessment- this is done on a cable machine

Overhead Squat Assessment

Everything is strong when it is a line.

Not like this

Also be on the look out for

Excessive Knee Adduction.

This is why I Strongly Suggest YOGA. Because it teaches you to properly activate both antagonist and agonist muscles to keep good posture.

The single leg squat assessment

You want to keep your knee above the second and third toe.

So far we have observed lower dynamic posture. What about Upper Dynamic Posture?

We do that by using the Push and Pull Assessment

The Pushing Assessment

The Pulling Assessment




Written by Rusty_Gunn

A writer of futurist stories. Self Improvement Disciple, Dreamtrapreneur, Rephraser of podcast knowledge:

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