Nimbus 2056 Part 6 Take 1
“You guys know you dropped me, right?” Stuckey said as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.
“Anastasia, Gelben, Fableton?”
“What you are ignoring me now?”
Stuckey was not alone that was certain, but his new company was completely unfamiliar.
He quickly sat up and looked around. There was a warm fire by his feet, his wounds had fresh archaic bandages.
“What the hell?”
A dialect he never heard erupted from his peripheries, a language incomprehensible to Stuckey. He felt something touch his shoulder. Stuckey looked up to see the fur of the saber toothed tiger adorned as a tunic. The wearer of such a tunic spoke to Stuckey.
“Ka tonka, Illeyape!” The large man’s voice thundered.
“I can’t understand you!” Stuckey timidly replied.
“Nuck Nuck Allona!” The foreign primitive man pointed towards himself.
“Oh, Oh, I get it now. I am Stuckey.” he mimicked in response.
“SSSTTTUCKEY” Nuck Nuck said as he pointed towards Stuckey.
“Yes, Yes!” Stuckey nodded his head.
“Nuck Nuck” Stuckey pointed back.
The two of them smiled in agreement.
A second voice broke the air.
“Hava Unnape Crique!” This voice did not have the same baritone rubble of Nuck’s but Stuckey could tell that their was displeasure in Nuck Nuck’s discovery. Her voice was softer to the ear, but angry.
Nuck Nuck and the new stranger argued, while Stuckey watched in utter confusion.
“Am I safer here? I don’t know. These people least know how to make fire! Where the hell are the others!” Stuckey thought to himself.
“Does anyone remember when the sled became two hundred pounds lighter?” Anastasia asked Gelben, and Fableton.
The two shuddered and couldn’t come up with an exact moment.
“I thought it was cause we were going down hill!” Gelben
“Listen! We’ve come so far, we are tired. We made it to the ship. It’s almost night fall and we might find the answers we are looking for. We can’t be bothered by who is at fault for leaving a man behind. Three out of four people surviving is pretty good odds, in my opinion.”
“You are just a rich scumbag! Do you know how to work any of the ship’s computers? No! You just care about yourself!” Fableton retorted back.
“I am rich! That makes me better than you! Soon as we get back to civilization, I am getting the best lawyer and I am suing your ass!” Gelben grabbed Fableton by the hem of his shirt.
“Everyone shut the fuck up!” Anastasia “Listen”
Inside the dark hull, a low whimper echoed.
The three of them rushed to see what was the source. Captain Noah still in the command chair, clutching her side, dried crusty blood drenched the seat cushions.
“Thank god you are here! Help me.” She said.
The three of them grabbed hold of her, and moved her. Her weak voice exhaled grunts of pain.
“Where’s the med kit?” Fableton looked around.
“By the door above the fire extinguisher.” Noah responded.
He quickly grabbed it, and the three of them frantically tried their best to help.
Noah’s mangled body, her torn up uniform had dried to the wounds.
“We got to see where this blood is coming from.” Anastasia.
Delicate as possible they tried to remove the clothes and expose her wounds. Each time they did she winced in agony. Around each of the wounds the skin started black transformed to purple, and ended in yellow. A severe infection was apparent, as pus oozed.
Gelben, Anastasia, and Fableton looked at each other horrified.
“Give her some pain killers!” Anastasia commanded.
“Wait no!” Fableton
“What why? She needs them!” Anastasia.
“What if we are too late?!” Fableton.
“What do you mean?” Anastasia.
“She needs a hospital,I am not a doctor, but that looks like sepsis! Her organs are in failure. If anything we need to stop the infection first.”
“Fuck!” Anastasia started frantically ripped through the kit, looking for anything that would help.
“It’s been six days! How much longer do you think she has?” Gelben.
“So what?! Are we just going to give up on her?!” Anastasia.
“What else are we supposed to do?! We are God knows when and God knows where! Rescue should have been here by now! We don’t have a choice!” Fableton.
“We have to do something at least!” Anastasia.
“God damn it! You are both right! We’ve got to put her out of her misery!” Gelben’s lips quivered as those words passed from his mouth.
“Whoa. No way, I ain’t killing no one!” Fableton.
“There’s got to be another way!” Anastasia.