You don’t tell factual, you sell the compelling.
This endeavor has long been neglected. A feeling of futility rose within me, whenever I thought to collect my thoughts upon the page.
Futility as in the ocean of thoughts released into today, what difference would my contributions make.
Everyone thinks they are going to heaven, everyone can be an asshole too.
Y-ou fail.
E-verything dies.
A-gain you try.
R-esolute you must become.
What about
If it is your first time doing it. Go cheap.
In the grand scheme of things are things really getting better? Data points and correlations can be skewed into any formation to sway public opinion. It is the receivers job to interpret the relevancy to one’s own life.
Forgotten information becomes relevant later. Perspective’s will always change. The faces we create in the company we keep are but a small facet of our lives. What you see elicits a different response from the same subject in me. The most drastic things can be comedy to another.
Yet, we all seek that feeling of unity. The individual’s thought becomes the group think and we are welcomed. Brave has connotations relevant to the time period it is used. A time of peril, faced by action you are brave. Creating and drafting your individual interpretation of life which may be counter to the culture you are brave.
These empty words emitted on this screen, these are my thoughts. Do my thoughts dictate my life or distraction? As of late I have adopted the commuter lifestyle. Traversing the freeways of southern California. Modern society in action. Crowded and congested, varied and mostly comfortable in their own little bubbles. We love our personal space. Strangers are dirty and not part of my life. Yet, they pass by me everyday and I nor they acknowledge each other. Regardless of the recognition in some way we all contribute to the future. Just by being.
Recently I relied on the kindness of people I will never meet again. It was a warm day and I caught a screw in my rear tire in OC. I was between free way exits. This was fortunate as my speed was not high enough to cause complete loss of control. I rolled on a soggy rear tire to the closest gas station and proceeded to fill the tire with air which quickly escaped. After failed attempts at patching the tire it was decided to load the motorcycle into the back of a truck provided by a generous man. It was loaded yet it was not strapped or secured in. There was no lashing equipment immediately available, except for the squad of laborers having a post work parking lot party. One of them had a ladder on top of his sedan. I walked over and asked if they had any left over rope. One of them obliged my request and cut the rope which was securing the ladder to the top of his car. He remedied the situation by zip tying the ladder to the racks on top his automobile. We used the rope provided and limped our way to a home depot to purchase proper straps.
What if that kind gesture and assistance in my time of need caused larger consequences?
Like what if the zip ties that the laborer used to secure the ladder down, failed on the freeway causing a multi car pile up?
Life can be so varied and goes on, regardless of how you interpret it.
Good things come to an end as do bad things.
The past is unavailable, the present is still undecided, and the future is but a dream.
Ideas layered upon ideas, parallel to the improbable. Every decision ignites an action.
The mark has been set and the feet are in the race. General statements and broad declarations are easy. Why is it your broke friend is posting the inspirational quotes? They might need it, that’s why. Or they post the action get the praise without any follow through. A viscous cycle of dopamine fuel later regret.
“In this life it seems, we could conquer everything, if we just had the strength to get out of bed in the morning.” AJJ.
If you beat yourself up, you are not putting your best foot forward. In the grander scheme of things, what is a set back now, maybe a blessing in the future.
Enjoy what you have with who you have.